What is the best marker to buy for a beginner?
Known as one of the best markers for beginners or paintball players with a tighter budget, the Tippmann Stormer Elite is a lightweight and durable marker with a brilliant reputation. This marker comes with two magazines and a dual-feed design that can be converted from a loader to magazine fed quickly and easily. One of the only negatives about this marker is its inability to use First Strike paintballs; however, this is not an issue for most players who enjoy the weight and feel of the marker rather than what paintball brand it can shoot with.
With a durable composite body and easy to use when out in the field, it’s no wonder this marker belongs to Tippmann. Known for creating some of the most durable and accessible markers, the Tippmann Stormer Elite is worth investigating in more detail.
Do you service paintball markers?
If you have an issue with your paintballing equipment and need professional support, BattleGear UK is here to help. BattleGear UK is the UK-based service centre for all FirstStrike MagFed markers and accessories. Our technician trained with the First Strike team in Chicago, Illinois and is trusted with all fault finding and repairs required in the UK.
What should I wear to a paintball event?
We recommend you cover your arms, legs and head when entering a paintballing battlefield. Whether you are a novice to the adrenaline-fueled sport or have been joining events for as long as you can remember, projectiles tend to hurt when they hit bare skin and can leave a bruise! For this reason, giving yourself some protection is probably the smartest thing to do! Projectiles travelling at the speed they do can cause injuries to your face, eyes and head if they manage to hit you, so protect your face and eyes! BattleGear UK has a range of protective accessories on our online store.
Should I purchase certain projectiles for my marker?
If you want to get the best from your marker on the day, we recommend purchasing the correct type of projectile to fit your marker. If you are using a FirstStrike product, for example, buy the FirstStrike projectiles that will fit your magfed marker. If you are unsure which projectiles best suit you and your paintball marker, get in touch with our team, and we will be happy to help and advise you further.
Does it hurt when you are hit with a projectile?
We are not here to lie to you! Joining a paintballing event isn’t exactly going to be a walk in the park, and if you are hit with a projectile, you may feel it sting! Projectiles can cause bruising due to the speed they are travelling, but this will depend on how close you are to the shooter when you are struck. We recommend covering up your skin to give you a little protection when you are out on the field.
Is there a minimum age I can go to a paintball event?
Technically, there is no minimum age limit on paintballing events. However, you will find that most venues do have an age cap. If you are not sure whether you can take your child, we recommend calling the venue or the organisers to find out about their minimum age play and if it will be suitable for your child.
Do you need a license to own a paintball marker?
Whilst you do not need a license to own a paintball marker, there are some stipulations on this rule. Your marker should not fire above 12ft/lbs for a rifle-style marker and not above 6ft/lbs if you are using a pistol. Most paintball markers fit into this criteria; however, if your marker does fire above these limits, it could be considered a prohibited weapon under the Firearms Act.
Is there a governing body in the UK for paintball?
Yes. The United Kingdom Paintball Sports Federation (UKPSF) is the governing body in the UK for paintballing. This voluntary body aims to promote the sport and make it as fun and safe as possible for everyone. The UKSPF was founded in 1990 by a number of players and those in the industry who wanted to boost the sport as it was facing scrutiny and bad press at the time.
Do I need to have the experience to join a paintball event?
Of course not! The paintballing industry aims to be a fun, exciting and encompassing sport that invites everyone from all backgrounds and walks of life to participate in a great game. Paintballing is a great chance to build and grow new relationships with others, stay fit and ultimately learn a new sport. We guarantee that if you don’t already have experience in the industry, you will definitely come away with some!
What is a MagFed marker, and how does it differ from traditional markers?
MagFed markers work by attaching a pump to the marker, which feeds the paintballs from the magazine directly into the chamber. This means there is no need to remove the spent paintballs before reloading. This allows you to keep shooting without stopping to reload. You can shoot as long as you have ammunition left in your magazine.
There are many other benefits to choosing a MagFed game over a traditional paintball style, including:
- Realistic experience
- More intense gameplay
- More fun
- Tactical gameplay
When deciding to participate in a MagFed game, the odds are evened out slightly by ensuring that all players use the same type of marker (MagFed markers only). This means that the game remains tactical, intense and safe for all players.